Irasnian Wastes

"The desert holds many secrets, buried beneath its sands and guarded by the spirits of old. Only the brave or the foolish would dare to seek them out." - Ancient proverb of the Isranian Wastes


The Isranian Wastes is a vast and unforgiving desert region filled with mystery, danger, and adventure lying just below The Basin. This harsh environment is marked by extreme temperatures, scarce resources, and a sparse population that manages to survive in this seemingly inhospitable land. With ancient ruins hidden beneath the sands, nomadic tribes roaming its expanse, and mighty creatures lurking in its depths, the Isranian Wastes captivate those seeking to uncover its secrets.


Notable Settlements:

Scenery and Climate:

The Isranian Wastes stretch below The Basin, a seemingly endless expanse of sand dunes broken only by jagged rock formations. In the eastern regions of this desolate landscape lies Zarinesh's Hand - an enormous stone hand that serves as both a geographical wonder and a divine symbol. The Lifeblood River flows from this colossal monument towards the Cold Sea in the south, providing much-needed water for those who dwell nearby.

Central regions of Isranian Wastes are dominated by The Salt Flats - vast areas of cracked earth covered in salt deposits. These lands are rumored to be cursed and haunted by restless spirits which only adds to their eerie atmosphere.

The climate is one of extremes: scorching days give way to freezing nights where temperatures can plummet drastically within hours. Sandstorms are a common occurrence making navigation difficult even for those well-acquainted with this hostile terrain.

Flora and Fauna:

Despite its desolate appearance, the Isranian Wastes are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Along the Lifeblood River, hardy vegetation thrives, fed by the precious water that flows from Zarinesh's Hand. The delta where the river meets the Cold Sea is lush and green, a stark contrast to the barren wasteland that surrounds it.

Many dangerous creatures have adapted to life in this harsh environment, such as giant scorpions, sand worms, and desert drakes. These formidable beasts pose a significant threat to travelers who dare to venture into their territories without proper precautions.


Culture and Religion:

The inhabitants of Isranian Wastes are an adaptive people who have learned how to survive in their challenging surroundings. They place great importance on self-sufficiency and resourcefulness and develop unique practices centered around water conservation and reverence for their harsh environment.

Religion plays a significant role in their lives with many worshiping Zarinesh or adhering to animistic beliefs involving nature spirits. These spirits are believed to inhabit various elements within their surroundings such as wind spirits guiding travelers through sandstorms or water spirits protecting precious oases.

Superstitions surrounding The Salt Flats are also prevalent with many tribes believing that they are cursed lands haunted by restless spirits who wander aimlessly through its desolate expanse.

Unique Races:

Quorritset: Small, reptilian creatures standing at around 3-4 feet tall with tough, leathery skin covered in fine scales. They have large, frilled ears that help dissipate heat and sharp claws for digging into the sand to find water and food.

Solith: These large, insectoid beings have chitinous exoskeletons colored in various shades of brown and yellow to camouflage themselves within the desert landscape. Soliths have multiple limbs and antennae that provide them with heightened senses.

Arkon: A race of humanoid cacti covered in sharp spines that serve as both a defense mechanism and a means for collecting precious water from the arid environment. Their green skin is capable of photosynthesis, giving them sustenance even when resources are scarce.

Lumiran: A race with glowing patterns adorning their skin that serve as a means of communication through intricate light displays. Lumirans have adapted to the harsh desert nights by harnessing this light as a source of energy for their survival.

Garruk: These large, furry humanoids have adapted to the extreme temperatures of the Isranian Wastes through their thick fur coats and impressive endurance. Garruks possess great strength and agility, making them formidable opponents in combat.

Politics and Economy:

The economy within Isranian Wastes is heavily reliant on trade between nomadic tribes and oasis settlements. Ergon serves as a major hub for these trade routes connecting various desert settlements with coastal cities along the Cold Sea. Goods such as textiles, metalwork, and precious stones are exchanged for essential supplies like food and water needed for survival in this harsh land.

Conflicts over resources, trade routes, and ancient ruins often occur between rival tribes or settlements leading to skirmishes ranging from small-scale raids to large-scale battles involving multiple parties.

Pirate syndicates operating in the delta regions near the Cold Sea pose a significant threat to trade caravans and travelers, often stealing valuable goods or kidnapping passengers for ransom.


History and Origin:

The Isranian Wastes' history is shrouded in mystery with tales of hidden cities, ancient civilizations, and divine battles shaping the landscape. The massive monument of Zarinesh's Hand serves as a constant reminder of the deity who lost it during The Shattering, an event that has left its mark on both the land and its inhabitants.

It is believed that an underground network connecting key locations within Isranian Wastes exists, hinting at a deeper connection between the scattered settlements and nomadic tribes that dwell within this desolate land.


  • Deep within the desert lies a hidden valley where lush vegetation and rare animals thrive, untouched by the harsh conditions surrounding it. This oasis is fiercely guarded by reclusive tribes who view outsiders with suspicion and hostility.
  • The Isranian Wastes are home to an enigmatic order of mystics known as the Sand Whisperers, who have learned to harness the raw elemental power of their environment. They are sought after for their wisdom and guidance but are notoriously difficult to find.
  • In certain areas within Isranian Wastes, strange phenomena occur such as inexplicable light shows dancing across night skies or eerie whispers carried on desert winds. Some believe these occurrences are manifestations of the spirits that inhabit the land, while others suspect a more sinister force at work.
  • The Isranian Wastes are known to be home to a rare species of giant sand beetle whose hardened carapace is highly sought after for its use in crafting high-quality armor. Hunting these elusive creatures is not for the faint-hearted, as they can burrow beneath the sands and ambush their prey with devastating force.
  • A nomadic tribe known as the Sunwalkers roams Isranian Wastes, with rumors suggesting they possess the unique ability to navigate the desert without leaving any trace of their passage. This skill makes them invaluable guides for those seeking safe passage through Isranian Wastes, but also deadly foes for those who cross them.

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